Tuesday, September 24, 2019

[REVIEW] Natural skincare products from Korea : The Plant Base Natural Cleansing Foam & White Truffle Turn Over Peeling

Hola beauties!! Who's excited with new skincare review???? Kali ini aku mau nge- review skincare baru dari Korea, yang menurut aku oke banget. Tapi sebelumnya, aku mau ucapin thanks banget buat Clozette ID, yang udah kasih aku kesempatan buat berkenalan dengan produk berbahan natural ini. Mau tau review lengkapnya?? Keep reading girls :)

The Plant Base - mungkin brand ini masih asing di telinga kalian. The Plant Base adalah merk skincare dari Korea yang menggunakan bahan - bahan alami dari Korea untuk semua produknya. Buat kalian yang memiliki kulit sensitif, kalian tidak perlu khawatir. Produk - produk dari The Plant Base sangat aman digunakan. Karena tidak seperti produk skincare pada umumnya yang hanya menggunakan air sulingan, The Plant Base menggunakan ekstrak tumbuhan sebagai bahan utama dan tidak mengandung senyawa kimia yang berbahaya bagi kulit. Produk dari The Plant Base yang bakalan aku review kali ini adalah The Plant Base Natural Cleansing Foam dan White Truffle Turn Over Peeling. Let's start from the first product, Cleansing Foam.

The Plant Base Natural Cleansing Foam - IDR 266K

Kalau kalian udah baca blog aku sebelumnya, kalian pasti tahu bahwa aku ga pernah ganti - ganti cleanser. Kulit aku sangat sensitif jadi ga bisa pake produk cleanser yang memiliki banyak busa karna bisa membuat kulit aku menjadi semakin kering, dan rasanya seperti tertarik kencang dan perih. Awalnya aku sempet ragu untuk cobain cleansing foam dari The Plant Base. Tapi karena melihat kandungannya yang aman dan bebas dari kandungan berbahaya seperti Paraben, Sulfat, Parafin, Pigmen, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, dan sebagainya, aku memutuskan untuk mencoba cleansing foam ini.

The Plant Base Natural Cleansing Foam adalah sabun pembersih wajah organik anti alergi dengan busa yang lembut dan kandungan 15 minyak alami yang mampu membersihkan kotoran tanpa menghilangkan kelembaban dan kekenyalan kulit. Jadi meskipun mengeluarkan banyak busa, cleansing foam ini tidak membuat kulit menjadi kering. Seperti yang kalian bisa lihat pada gambar di atas, tekstrur dari cleansing foam ini sangat lembut, begitu pula dengan busa yang dihasilkan. Cleansing foam dari The Plant Base ini merupakan salah 1 produk dari Nature Solution series yang memang dibuat untuk jenis kulit kering dan sensitif. Dengan kandungan 28,15% ekstrak air bambu, selain sebagai pembersih wajah,  cleansing foam ini juga berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, anti peradangan, dan anti bakteri.

The Plant Base White Truffle Turn Over Peeling - IDR 277K

Next, produk kedua dari The Plant Base yang bakalan aku bahas adalah White Truffle Turn Over Peeling. Jadi aku itu suka banget ngelakuin peeling dan masker di rumah. Makanya aku excited banget buat cobain produk peeling ini, apalagi ini merupakan salah satu produk dari rangkaian White Truffle series yang bertujuan untuk mencerahkan kulit wajah. FYI, semua rangkaian produk pada White Truffle series memiliki komposisi berupa Korean Ginseng, White Truffle (jamur termahal di dunia), dan bahan alami lainnya yang telah dipatenkan seperti RESMELIN (whitening) dan INFLAX (antioksidan). Wow, kebayang dong bagusnya produk - produk dari White Truffle series.

White Truffle Turn Over Peeling diformulasikan dari selulosa alami dan biji buah aprikot yang. berfungsi untuk mencerahkan dan mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati tanpa menyebabkan iritasi. Cara menggunakannya cukup mudah. Keluarkan peeling gel pada telapak tangan, lalu usapkan pada wajah sambil dipijat dengan arah memutar. Lakukan selama beberapa menit, sampai terbentuk gumpalan - gumpalan yang merupakan sel kulit mati pada wajah. Setelah itu, bilas dengan air hangat hingga bersih. Penggunaan peeling ini tidak boleh sering - sering ya. Cukup 1x dalam seminggu, dan kalian bisa rasakan langsung perubahannya. Kulit wajah akan menjadi halus, lembut, bebas kotoran dan cerah seketika.

At the end I just wanna say, "I love these products from The Plant Base." Bukan cuma karna berbahan dasar natural, tapi harganya juga cukup terjangkau untuk produk skincare Korea. Buat kalian yang penasaran dan pengen coba produk ini, kalian bisa dapatkan produk - produk The Plant Base secara eksklusif di salubritas.id. Apa sih salubritas.id? Jadi Salubritas.id adalah e-commerce dengan sistem profit sharing tanpa batas yang bisa memberikan kita penghasilan tambahan untuk kalian. Jadi di salubritas.id kalian ga cuma bisa belanja, melainkan juga bisa mendapatkan profit dari setiap transaksi dengan cara join dan menjadi partner. Jika kalian tertarik, kalian bia registrasi langsung disini, dan jangan lupa masukkan kode referral aku ID0091335. Untuk info lebih lanjut kalian bisa cek langsung di Instagram @theplantbase_id dan juga @salubritas.indonesia.

Shopping and get profit at Salubritas Indonesia

Well, happy shopping, and see ya beautiess..

Thursday, September 19, 2019

I got new skin problems when I'm going 30, and this is how I treat it (Part 3 : Dry Skin)

Skincare for dry skin

Hi beautiess,,
It took a quite long time to continue write about this topic, but finally I gonna share with you about how I treat the third skin problem that I had (which also the last one) - dry skin. But before that, make sure you also read the first part (wrinkles) and the second part (pimples and freckles).

Dry skin - like freckles, I had this problem since I was a kid, and it really hard to get rid of it. I've used some skin care that really works to moisturized my skin such as Laneige Water Sleeping Mask, but somehow lately I could see some flaky skin on my face. It's really annoying for me. Dry lips, dry skin, I always have these problems and they always ruin my make up look. No matter how great and expensive make up that I used, it always ended cracked - not smooth at all.

Looking at this situation, I decided to change my skin care and also added some new skincare as recommended by some beauty expert. Here's the list of the new skin care that I use to treat dry skin problem :

  • Senka Perfect Whip Collagen in
It was the first time I changed my facial wash after years. I had doubt at first about change this product, because I have a very sensitive skin. I can't use a facial wash with a lot of foam, because it cause my skin get drier and feels very tight. Even sometimes, a facial wash with a very "strong" ingredients can irritate my skin and it's uncomfortable. Therefore, when I found a facial wash that didn't make my skin dry, I'll keep using it and never thought to change it with other cleansing product.

However, lately I decided to change my facial wash because the sign of aging on my skin is getting worse. I need a "boost" of collagen to keep my skin stay young. Collagen has a lot of benefit for skin - hydrating, firming, anti aging, and many more. When I found Senka Perfect Whip Collagen in Japan, I was really excited and gave a big expectation to this facial wash. Looking at its function, I realized this facial wash is not only clean my face, but it also give collagen which is good to get rid the sign of aging. Well, this facial wash works as I was expecting. Even though it has a lot of foam, but it doesn't make my skin feels tight and get drier after the usage. It's been 2 months after use this facial wash. Even though I still haven't feel the benefit of collagen, but I wish it will show a good changes soon.

  • Sulwhasoo First Care Activating Serum ex
Sulwhasoo is a famous luxury skincare brand from Korea. They use natural ingredients as their main ingredients, and the benefit has been proven by many people. Among their products, there's one product which become their bestseller and always recommended to keep your skin hydrated. It's Sulwhasoo First Care Activating Serum Ex. When I heard about it at the first time, I thought it works as other serum. But it's not. It works as a booster for the next skin care that you use. So after use this, you still need to use other serum on your skincare routine.

Basically, it has the same function with SK II Facial Treatment Essence and Laneige Clear-C Advanced Effector EX , which is for boost the next skincare so it can work optimally. Besides as a booster, this serum also can be used to hydrated your skin. I just knew about it after read this article by Chriselle Lim.

Sulwhasoo First Care Activating Serum ex has a "thick" texture - not watery like at essence. But it's not as thick as cream, so it can absorbed easily after we use it on our skin. This texture makes it more hydrating than using other essence.

    • Nature Republic Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel
    It's a new product that I use to treat a dry skin problem, and I'm pretty sure you already know about it. This gel is very popular because it can be used for everything. Not just for hydrates your skin (face and body), but it also magically can be used to make your eyelashes grow longer. At first I didn't interested with this product because it's a Korean medium - low brand which sometimes didn't show any changes on me. But I was desperately to find a good skincare to hydrates my skin, and I decided to give it a try. Well, I didn't dissapointed at all. I used it every night after serum as a night cream, and it really hydrates my skin without make it feel greasy. I like its cooling sensation, which can makes me feel relax at the night time.

    Looking at the list above, you'll realize that all of them are Asian beauty products. After a long research, I just knew that Asian people love to make their skin extra hydrated. Especially for Japanese and Korean people, which have an extremely cold weather during winter. It's the reason why their products are perfect to treat dry skin problem.

    Well, those are products that I used to hydrates my skin. Beside that, I also use some extra skincare such as Laneige Water Sleeping Mask Lavender, Saborino sheet mask, Fresh Rose Face Mask, and also Fresh Sugar Face Polish. Using mask at least twice a week really helps to hydrate your skin. When I feel my skin is very dry and need a special treatment, I used one of them to restore the hydration on my skin.