Monday, October 22, 2018

Cleansing, The Most Important Step on Your Skin Care Routine

It's really important to take care of your skin since from young ages. Full skin care routine is very needed to get a healthy and beautiful skin. Many people has different skin care routine to take care of their skin, depend on their skin problems. However, from many steps of skin care, there's one most important step that can't be missed. It's cleansing.

Cleansing more often considered as a not really important step in skin care routines. Usually people will be more focus on serum or cream usage. They think that applying skin care is the key to get a beautiful skin, but it's not. Cleansing is the most important step, that's why it always be the first step on skin care routine. Applying skin care on a dirty skin, only make your skin worse. No matter what, make sure you have a very clean skin before start to use your skin care.

To get a clean skin, you can't just wash it with a facial foam. Especially after using make up. You need to clean it with a few steps of cleanser (known as double cleansing) before start applying skin care. This is an example of double cleansing that I do everyday, with my favorite cleansing products.

1. Remove all makeup on your face
You can skip this step of you don't use any makeup on that day. However, if you wear a makeup, this step is really important to do. A simple cleanser will not clean your makeup properly. You need to use a makeup remover which contains a special ingredients to clean your makeup, even if it's waterproof type. I like to use Sephora Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover for this step, because unlike another makeup remover, the formula is very gently and clean my eye makeup perfectly.

Sephora Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover

2. Clean the whole face with your favorite cleanser
Before wash your face, you need to clean the whole face with a "special" cleanser. No matter you're wearing makeup or not, this step is a must things to do. Nowadays, there are several type of cleanser such as cleansing oil, cleansing water, or cleansing balm. You can use any type of cleanser based on what you need. If you have a dry skin type, you might want to use cleansing oil. However if you have an oily skin type, you might want to use cleansing water which contains no oil. Personally, I choose to use cleansing water instead if cleansing oil, even though I have a dry skin type. Because if I use cleansing oil as a cleanser, I feel my face is very greasy, and I didn't think it's a good idea to have an oily face after cleansing. For this step, I choose to use cleansing water from Laneige. I love this cleansing water because it really clean my face very well. And like other Laniege's products, this cleanser has a gently formula with a soft smell which makes me feel relax after using it.
Laneige Vitamin Brightening CleansingWater

3. Wash you face with a facial wash
Well, I think everyone will do this step because generally this step known as the only way to clean your face. I really understand it because it's really simple and even you can do it at the time when you're taking a shower. But sometimes people also skip this step because they thought after using cleanser, their skin is already clean. But it's not. Though you didn't see any makeup or dirt left after using cleanser, you still need to wash it with a facial wash and water, to make it really clean and feel fresh.

Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening Face Wash
For this cleansing step, I choose Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening Face Wash. Hada Labo is a skin care brand from Japan. But this facial wash, is a product that produced by Hada Labo Indonesia. To be honest, it's really hard for me to get a perfect facial wash. I have a dry and very sensitive skin. Every time I washed my face, it felt very tight, even sometimes I felt hurt especially on cheek area. But, I don't feel any same effects with this facial wash. It cleans my face without make it dehydrated. It also doesn't contain any fragrance which is really good for a sensitive skin like I have.

4. Last step, facial toner!
When you're done with washing your face, it doesn't mean you face is totally clean. You need to do the last step of cleansing by using facial toner. There are 2 types of facial toner, for exfoliating and hydrating. Exfoliating toner is perfect for oily and acne prone skin type. Meanwhile, if you have a dry or dehydrated skin type, hydrating toner is a good option for you.

Some By Mi 30 Days Miracle Toner
Honestly, I started to put facial toner into my skin care routine for these past few months. I just realized about how important facial toner is. The first toner that I used was Some By Mi 30 Days Miracle Toner , which works as an exfoliating toner. However, since using that facial toner made my skin getting dry, I decided to use a hydrating toner - Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Facial Toner (will write a review about it soon).

Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Facial Toner
That's all the double cleansing routine that I do everyday. Cleansing is very important for help you to get a healthy skin. By using this double cleansing routine, it will reduce appearance of blackhead, whitehead, and pimple. So, don't forget to double cleanse your face before get started with your skin care routine.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Lip Swatches : Kylie Holiday Edition VS Koko Kollection

Kylie Holiday Edition 2016 & Koko Kollection
Hi lippies,
If you follow my new instagram account which specifically made for talking about beauty, you'll notice that I love to use liquid lip color from Kylie Cosmetics. Every time I post about "make up of the day", I always use liquid lip matte. Well, in fact, I'm not only use this at the special occasion or only for photos needed. Instead, I always use liquid lip matte for everyday look.

Lip Swatches Kylie Holiday Edition 2016 & Koko Kollection
You might be wondering, why I love this liquid lipstick so much. First, it's very pigmented. You can get exactly the same colors for your lips with what you see, even if you have dark lips. Second, they have a beautiful color collection. Nude or bold, they're all looks gorgeous. For these reasons, I have some special collection for this lip color. At this post, I'll make a lip swatches, to compare between Kylie Holiday Edition and Koko Kollection. They both came from the first edition in 2016, and I fell in love with these colors from the first sight.

As you can see from the pictures above, they not just offer lip matte from these collections. Instead, they also have some lip gloss as well. I love all these colors but the most favorite is "Angel" and "Khlo$". I always use these lip color for everyday make up. However, when it comes for a special moment, I use something which is brighter, and "Okurrr" is my choice. It has a bright - bold color, but it doesn't look too much on my lips.

"Angel" liquid lip color from Kylie Holiday Edition also comes in mini size.
"Okurr" liquid lip color from Koko Kollection perfect to create a bright - bold lips.
Lastly, the reason why I love this liquid lip color is because the formula from this lip color is really long lasting. I just did a test by clean this lip swatches on my arm by using warm water and shower gel, continued again with Cetaphil cleanser. But as you can see on the picture below, it wasn't really clean. That's what I love from this lip color. With this waterproof formula, I don't need to do a retouch after eat or drink.

Left : before washed | Right : after washed

Have you put Kylie Cosmetics on your lip color collections? Which one is your favorite?

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Mudahnya Memulai Pola Hidup Sehat

Semua orang tentunya menginginkan hidup sehat. Namun tanpa disadari, pola hidup yang mereka lakukan sehari - hari tidak mendukung untuk kesehatan tubuh mereka. Itulah yang saya alami beberapa waktu lalu. Saya terlalu menikmati asyiknya serta berbagai kemudahan fasilitas yang didapatkan pada zaman modern ini. Memesan makanan secara online tengah malam, menghabiskan waktu dengan bermain gadget lupa waktu, dan masih banyak kebiasaan buruk lainnya yang pada akhirnya membuat tubuh saya menjadi tidak sehat.

Sekitar 3 bulan yang lalu, saya merasakan dampak negatif pada tubuh saya. Di usia yang baru 26 tahun, saya sering merasa kesakitan pada beberapa bagian tubuh. Dimulai dari sakit maag, nyeri pada pinggang dan juga beberapa bagian pada kaki seperti lutut, paha, dan masih banyak lagi. Saat itu saya mulai sadar bahwa pola hidup saya tidaklah sehat. Sebelum terlambat, saya memutuskan untuk mengubah pola hidup saya menjadi lebih baik. Tidak mudah untuk mengubah kebiasaan yang telah dilakukan selama bertahun - tahun. Namun saya menemukan beberapa cara yang mudah dan praktis untuk memulai hidup sehat.

1. Terapkan pola makan yang teratur dan sehat
Dengan kesibukan yang kita miliki, sering kali kita melewatkan jadwal makan. Sampai disaat kita merasa sangat lapar, barulah kita makan dan seringkali dalam porsi besar untuk menggantikan porsi makan sebelumnya. Hal itu sangatlah tidak benar dan bisa membuat lambung anda menjadi sakit. Sesibuk apapun kita, makan harus tetap teratur. Biasakan untuk memulai hari anda dengan sarapan. Tidak perlu dengan porsi yang besar, semangkuk smoothie bowl yang kaya akan nutrisi alami dari buah - buahan sudah cukup untuk memenuhi porsi makan di pagi hari. Pada saat makan siang, isilah perut anda dengan 1 porsi makanan sehat dengan kandungan serat, protein, dan karbohidrat yang seimbang.  Tubuh anda sangat membutuhkan gizi tersebut untuk melanjutkan aktivitas harian anda. Untuk menu makan malam, cobalah untuk mengurangi karbohidrat, dan diusahakan untuk tidak makan terlalu malam. Pada malam hari tubuh anda akan beristirahat total, jadi beri selang waktu yang cukup jauh antara jam makan malam dan jam tidur anda.

Contoh menu harian sehat

2. Banyak minum air putih
Ini adalah salah satu cara paling mudah untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang sehat. Dengan memperbanyak konsumsi air putih, dapat mengeluarkan "racun - racun" yang secara tidak sadar masuk ke dalam tubuh. Selain itu air putih juga dapat mencegah dehidrasi pada tubuh, terutama pada saat cuaca panas. Supaya anda dapat mengetahui berapa banyak jumlah air yang anda minum setiap hari, anda dapat menggunakan botol minum ukuran 1,5 liter. Biasakan untuk minum minimal 2 botol air tersebut setiap harinya, untuk mencukupi kebutuhan air pada tubuh anda.

3. Konsumsi buah dan sayuran
Seringkali kita melewatkan buah dan sayuran dalam porsi makanan kita. Padahal buah dan sayuran juga termasuk makanan yang sangat berguna bagi kesehatan. Jika anda tidak menyukai buah dan sayuran, anda dapat membuat segelas jus campuran buah dan sayur setiap hari, untuk memenuhi nutrisi vitamin yang terkandung di dalamnya.

4. Minum vitamin untuk melengkapi kebutuhan gizi
Vitamin adalah salah satu cara mudah untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang sehat. Nutrisi yang kita dapatkan dari makanan sehari - hari, tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh akan vitamin 100%. Oleh sebab itu, konsumsi vitamin juga diperlukan untuk melengkapi nutrisi dari makanan. Anda dapat mengkonsumsi multivitamin, minyak ikan, dan juga kalsium untuk menjaga kesehatan dan daya tahan pada tubuh anda. Letakkan 3 macam vitamin ini di tempat yang mudah terlihat, agar anda tidak lupa untuk mengkonsumsinya setiap pagi setelah sarapan.

3 macam vitamin yang penting untuk menunjang kesehatan
5. Lakukan olahraga ringan
Hidup sehat tidak hanya bisa didapatkan dari makanan yang masuk ke dalam tubuh. Olahraga juga memiliki peranan penting untuk membuat tubuh menjadi sehat. Anda tidak perlu melakukan olahraga yang berat. Cukup dengan melakukan beberapa gerakan pemanasan dan juga jalan kaki di pagi hari selama 15 menit. Dengan melakukan olahraga ringan, tubuh kita akan menjadi lebih lentur sehingga tidak mudah terserang rasa sakit seperti salah urat, nyeri sendi, dan juga pegal - pegal.

5 cara tersebut telah saya terapkan dalam beberapa bulan terakhir, dan saya telah merasakan dampak positif dari cara - cara tersebut. Sebenanya ada satu cara lagi yang bisa dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hidup sehat, yaitu donor darah. Ada banyak sekali manfaat donor darah bagi kesehatan tubuh. Selain untuk kesehatan tubuh, dengan melakukan donor darah kita dapat membantu orang - orang yang sedang membutuhkan darah. Namun sayang sekali saya memiliki anemia dan juga tekanan darah rendah, sehingga saya tidak kuat dan selalu lemas setelah melakukan donor darah.

Jika anda telah melakukan 5 cara di atas namun ingin menambah cara lain untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang sehat, anda dapat mencari inspirasi dengan membaca website DokterSehat. DokterSehat merupakan situs yang menyediakan informasi - informasi yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan. Situs ini merupakan salah satu inspirasi saya untuk memulai #AksiSehatCeria. Yuk kita mulai hidup sehat, agar terhindar dari berbagai penyakit.

Friday, October 12, 2018

MakeUp Inspiration for Halloween

October is here!! Which means it's almost Halloween Day. Do you have any plan for celebrate it?? Or you just want to have a party but want something different with your make up look?? At this post I'll answer your problem by write about make up inspiration for Halloween.

Halloween identic with something dark. Most people will use "creepy" costume, with dark make up as well. Smokey eyes and dark lip color become the most common make up that everyone gonna use. There's nothing wrong with it. But, how about if we make a new make up style for this special event??

Forget about all "dark" make up, this time I'll use bright make up starts from eyeshadow, until lip color. Yup!! As you can see on the picture, I chose a bright - glittery silver eyeshadow, to make my eyes more festive. Not forgetting the lips, I also use a glittery lip gloss to layer the lip matte as a base. I love to use liquid lip matte for every occasions. It's very pigmented, and more long lasting than usual lipstick. However, at the special moment like this, we can give another layer with glittering lip gloss or just a simply glitter, to make it looks more glamorous.

Eye Make Up with Kylie Cosmetics Holiday Collection 2016 Eyeshadow Palette
For this make up look, mostly I used make up from Kylie Cosmetics Holiday Collection 2016. Starts from the eyeshadow palette, until the lip color. I really recommend to use their products for an event, because not just the lip color, but the eyeshadow also have a very pigmented color and it's really long lasting. It's perfect for a party used.
Kylie Holiday Edition 2016 - Kyshadow & Liquid Lip Color

Here's the make up list that I used for this look:
  • Giorgio Armani Designer Lift Smoothing Firming Foundation No. 4
  • Maybelline Instant Anti-Age The Eraser Eye Concealer - Light
  • KIKO Milano Colour Veil Blush No. 03
  • Make Up For Ever Face Contour Kit No. 2
  • Kyshadow by Kylie Cosmetics Holiday Collection 2016 
  • Etude House Drawing Eyebrow - Brown
  • Koji Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner - Deep Black
  • Koji Dolly Wink Color Eyeliner - Vivid Pink
  • Kylie Cosmetics Liquid Lip Matte - Angel
  • Kylie Cosmetics Lip Gloss - Cupid

What do you think about this make up look?? Share your thoughts ^^

First Time Baking for Celebrate Winston 2nd Birthday

"A mother's love knows no limit. She'll try everything that is best for her children, even it's beyond her ability." ~ Stella Angelita ~

It sounds right for me, and also every mothers in the world. When we talk about our children, it's like nothing impossible. Even when it's really hard, we'll try to learn and do our best to help them. I've been a mother for more than 8 years. During that time, I had learned many new things. All the things I've learned are not for my own sake, but for my children. Without realizing it, I'm not just a housewife. Even though I just stayed at home, I've played many important roles for my family :

Medicine Experts
When in high school, I wasn't a student from science class who learned about physics, science or biology. I was in the social class and just learned about business, history, etc. So I knew nothing about people's sickness, medication, and anything about that. When I got sick, I just took Paracetamol, that's all. And if I didn't get any better, I went to the doctor, asking for prescription medicine. But I didn't know what's inside it, and I didn't care about that, as long as I could get better.

However, since I have kids, I started to learn about the ingredients from the prescription medicine. I need to know what the doctor gave to my children, starts from the uses and the side effects. I also learned little bit about the dosages based on the age and body weight, just in case if there's a mistake on the prescription.

Personal Teacher
As a mom, I have a very important role in my family, especially for my children. For them, I'm a role model. I'm the first person they see, and listen every day. They will follow all the things I do, and do everything I tell. Indirectly, I'm a teacher for them. Even when they started to go to preschool and learn new things like reading, counting, and writing, they still need me as their personal teacher. Well, it's not a big deal for me. I could learned about phonics (though I didn't get it when I was a kid coz I just studied at National School) just in a short time. But, as they growing up, the lessons that they learned at school also get harder. There are some lessons which are new for me because Aurelia goes to school with International Curriculum, and I wasn't. In this case, I need to learn about these new lessons 1 step forward before she gets it from school, and teach her about it.

A cook
It might sounds simple for every woman. Cooking is something that every woman can do, even from young ages. But it's not for me. I never been to the kitchen and cooked (even a simple food - unless it's an instant noodle) until I graduated from High School, and married. I started to learn how to cook by read recipe books, watch TV shows, and try to do it with simple dishes. However, as the children growing up, they asked for other "complicated" delicious dishes. Well, it's my job as a mom to cook it for them, and to be honest, it's kinda hard for me because I'm not really good at cooking. But as people say, nothing that you can't do as a mom, especially if it's for children. Like other problem that I got lately, when Winston became a fussy eater, I need to be creative and learn about what foods toddler like.

Those 3 things are only some of the new things that I learned for the benefit of my child. Nowadays, I started to learn a new things, baking. Actually, Aurelia has been asking for me to bake some cakes / cookies since a long time ago. But baking is one thing that I never "touched" in my whole life. So I just ignored it, until last month. Well, last month was September, and Aurelia knew it was Winston's birthday. She was insisting me to bake a birthday cake for Winston. She got that inspiration from a video, about a sister made a birthday surprise for her little brother, starts from bake a birthday cake, and do some decoration. Watching that video, made Aurelia want to do it for Winston because he also likes to watch that video. He likes when people sing "Happy Birthday song" and give a tasty looking birthday cake. This time I couldn't ignore them so I decided to learn about baking.

I started by looking for a birthday cake recipes, and honestly, they all looks very hard for a beginner like me. Many ingredients needed and step by step to do. I was afraid if it's gonna be failed, so I tried to find the easiest cake recipes, and mixed it with the easiest buttercream frosting recipes. Since Winston loves choclate cake, I decided to make it and mixed it with cream cheese buttercream frosting. Hmmmm. It sounds great and I believed it's gonna be a great combination for a birthday cake. You can see the chocolate cake's recipe here and for the cream cheese buttercream frosting here. They have a lot of good reviews and many people have made it successfully. With those reviews, I was believing that I could make it too.

Aurelia and I learned to make a cake together, and voilaaa.... It's successful! We really made it and the cake taste so good. It was really moist and has a perfect sweetness level. For decorate the cake, I just used some special toys from "Tayo the Little Bus" characters (it's Winston's favorite). And I also put some sprinkles on top to make it colorful. Well, for the first time baking it's not so bad. But I'll try to make it better another time.

Anyway, if you're wondering about that huge "Tayo", actually it's not just a toys. It's a travel kids carrier, which has little wheels so your kids can ride it on. It was Winston's birthday from Ivan, and he loves it. He likes to ride it and that's why I put this little bus on his photos. Once again, "Happy Birthday Winston". I wish you can grow up happily, and always stay healthy.
Love, Mom~~